I have just received my first award.
And although a man of me is very important!
Thank you, but my dear, I am honored:).
8 things about me:
first I always have to enforce my will.
second I have two siblings, would still like a spoiled only child.
third Mostly I need a very long time until I can trust people.
4th I am usually dissatisfied with myself.
5th I once had pink hair (laughing).
6th I have fear of flying .
7th I hate people who live in their dream world, not seeing the reality.
8th I only started with 13 to make up me.
I give the award on to / I give the award to:
1 . Thank and link the person who awarded you this award .
2 . Share 8 things about yourself .
3 . Send it forward to 8 bloggers .
4 . Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award .
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