Friday, November 13, 2009

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Nellie's multi-frame `s

* sigh *, then a product where we ALL must have! ;-)

Just thought that now we have all come, again something really great on the market!

Since the image in the shop, the article does not do justice, I have decided here in the blog again a close-up and introduce you to the article. So what are

Nellie's multi-frame `s? Quite simple: punch templates for the Cuttlebug or BigShot how you familiar with Quickutz, Spellbinders, etc. So you can breathe a sigh

before: It needs no new tool.

The structure of the plates is exactly the same as if you just want to punch Quickutz and Spellbinders! That's something!

Today I show you here the oval template:

Here it comes fresh from the Cuttlebug:

is not the beautiful part:

And the smallest part in the ovals (and also in the right corner) is a matching "Name Plate" that one but can of course use including single:

I put "only" the round, the oval, rectangular and square purchased. Just too time to see whether you also so much as I do. Tell me what you think! And then I buy it again very quickly.

The Bucket List: The price! The ovals and rectangles cost only Fr 14:20 (because 4 sets), the rounds and squares cost even only CHF 12.60 (because 3 sets) Is not that crazy?

To cite not only the advantages, Here also the disadvantage is that the templates are bomb stuck to a substrate. So keep calm, open box, remove carefully (or eventually tear how I did it) and then enjoy a life of it.

I will include them in the course of the weekend in the shop and will be listed here. I'm curious to your opinions! :-)

Edit on 14/11/2009: and here the direct link to shop


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